Critical Refection Questions
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
After doing our research for our music video, I thought about whether I should use conventions or challenge them. I decided to kind of do a mashup of both. The reason it was more of a mashup was because in our research I found that a lot of these types of music videos were really just, people performing on stage which we do not have access to. So instead, we decided to film portions on the roof rather than being in a studio. One thing we did do to challenge conventions was to create a story rather than having the traditional dancing that we see in music videos today. My music video represents the social group of teenagers that just want to have a good time and party. Our goal was to produce a music video in a way that would seem fun and joyful for all audiences watching. I do not believe that there are many issues that we covered in our music video.
2. How does your product engage with the audience and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
My music video is able to engage with the audience in many ways. My music video is based on the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. This song is about 1 minute and 13 seconds long. In the planning of my music video, I really strategized what our scenes would look like. I decided to tell a story in my music video that people could relate to. The audience can relate to it because it is about having a good time and hanging out with friends. To keep the viewer engaged I made sure to not stay on one scene for to long so the audience would not get bored. I also decided to take out the soccer scene and replace it with a video game scene to appeal to a younger audience. My music video would be distributed as a form of social media as it would be distributed on YouTube rather than a music app like Spotify or Apple Music.
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
My skills developed greatly throughout this project. One thing that I really wanted to work on was planning. I made sure that everything lined up and I had plenty of scenes to fit our time frame. Another skill that really developed throughout this project for me was my understanding of lighting. The reason that this improved was because we had many shots that were messed up by lighting, so we had to improvise. Although some shots are still not exactly the way I wanted them, they still worked out in the end. The last thing that I think really improved was my editing skills. The reason that skill improved was because of the help from one of my partners Rhys.
4. How did you integrate technologies, software, hardware, online into this project?
I did not really have big part in integrating technologies into my project but I did learn about editing. I also know that we used the da Vinci software that one of my group mates had on his computer so I tried a couple different things to improve my video and learned new thing to use in the future
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