Filming Production Blog Day 2
Welcome beck to my blog. Today I am going to discuss day 2 of filming. Last Saturday me and my group members met up to do out second day of filming. The first shot of the day was me jumping into the pool. One of my group members filmed me while I jumped into deep end of the pool. The water was very cold so I had to retake many times and change my facial expression. I jumped in many different times and did different jumps. This was important so that we could find the jump that worked the best. Rhys is going to edit the film later so it is vital that we have many options for him to choose from. The next shot that we filmed was me relaxing on a pool float. The blue floating chair was the best pool floaty to both show me relaxing and see my face. The sun was a struggle because there was a strong glare on the water. In addition half of the pool was shaded because of my roof. The shade was an obstacle that we tried to avoid when filming. Another problem with the pool shots is the cleaning robot. A large blue tube with a robot end cleans the bottom of my pool and moves around. We ended up disconnecting and removing the robot while we filmed. Just like every other shot we filmed many times and from many angles. We had a lot of fun filming over the last 2 days. In my next blog, I will discuss the editing portion of our project.
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