Filming Day 2 Setbacks

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today, I'm excited to share about day two of filming. It was the first day with actors, which meant we could add more dialogue and sound to the scenes. Before we started, I updated my storyboard with some tougher shots. When I showed my plans to my actor, we ran into a little problem. She didn't know how to ride a scooter for the scenes! It was unexpected, but we didn't let it stop us. Instead, I took the time to teach her how to ride the scooter. We started with the basics, like balancing and pushing off, and gradually worked our way up to more advanced moves. It took a lot of practice, but she was determined to get it right. As her confidence grew, so did her skills on the scooter. It was really rewarding to see her progress throughout the day. Despite the initial setback, her dedication and perseverance paid off in the end. Of course, teaching her how to ride the scooter did take up quite a bit of time. We had to adjust our filming schedule to accommodate the extra practice sessions. But in the end, it was worth it to capture the scene just the way we envisioned it. Once she felt comfortable on the scooter, we were able to move forward with filming. And let me tell you, she nailed it! Her performance was fantastic, and the scene turned out even better than I had hoped. Overall, it was a challenging day of filming, but it was also incredibly rewarding. This shows that with a little patience and determination, anything is possible. Thanks for reading my blog!


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