Production Blog: Planning For My Final Project

 Welcome back to my blog. In this blog I will go over the planning process for my final task. There was a lot of components that had to be put into action to finish the planning for my final task. First, I had to pick groupmates. This was a very difficult decision for me because of past experiences. Last year for my final task one of my groupmates did not work hard and my other groupmate and I had to pick up the slack. When it came time to film my reliable friend ended up breaking has wrist so he could not do reshoots. This caused use to have to completely restart filming. In the end I ended up doing almost all of the work. I can't complain though because I ended up passing. For these reasons I chose to work alone for these projects. The next thing I had to do was make a pitch and pick a genre. The good thing about working alone is I get to use my own ideas. This way I am more passionate about this final project. For my pitch I wanted to do an action short film with a fight scene. I also wanted to do a chase scene in my final task. I thought it would be fun to film in Colorado during my spring break. As I explained I had a passion for an action short film. After looking at examples of action short films I felt even more inclined to choose action. I watched short film after short film to see the different technics director's use. This really helped me understand how to make an action short film. Thanks for reading my blog.


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