Planning Blog: Scripts
The film opens with a blurred pan across Daniel’s din ing room . As the camera comes into focus, it would pass by a box . On the box would be our first title . As the camera passes the box, it would stop on a shot of a group of friends sitting and eating . It would then cut to a s hot of th e camera panning across the table, passing a chair with another title on it . Follow ing this, one of the friends (character #1) would get up , and another title would be displayed on the back of his shirt as he walks by . Next, the camera would move towards character #1’s plate showing another title . C haracter #1 would then place his plate in the sink, and rinse it with water . In an over th e shoulder shot, character #1 would wipe the plate with a sponge, which would remove one title, and replace it with a nother . C haracter #1 would then hear a noise coming from the garage, and would turn towards it . Right after this, the camera would turn, revealing another title . Ch...