
Showing posts from February, 2023

Planning Blog: Scripts

The film opens with a blurred pan across Daniel’s   din ing room . As the camera comes into focus, it would pass by a box . On the box would be our first title . As the camera passes the box, it would stop on a shot of a group of friends sitting and eating . It would then cut to a s hot of th e camera panning across the table, passing a chair with another title on it . Follow ing this, one of the friends (character #1) would get up , and another title would be displayed on the back of his shirt as he walks by . Next, the camera would move towards character #1’s plate showing another title . C haracter #1 would then place his plate in the sink, and rinse it with water . In an over th e shoulder shot, character #1 would wipe the plate with a sponge, which would remove one title, and replace it with a nother . C haracter #1 would then hear a noise coming from the garage, and would turn towards it . Right after this, the camera would turn, revealing another title . Ch...

Planning Blog: Title design in details

  The opening credits and title sequence of m y film will most likely be in a font called “ Symbola . ” My group decided on this fon t b ecause we think it fits the mood of the film . Symbola has an eerie feeling to it, and it fits very well compared to other options that we lo oked at . Some other fonts we looked at were “Akira ,” “ B ebas , ” “TS B OLD , ” “Bodoni XT” and “Ghastly Panic . ” Akira and TS BOLD were very similar as they were very wide and bold, and we liked them, but unfortunately, they don’t fit the mood of the film . Ghastly Panic was just too much and over the top for us . We would have used that maybe if we were making a horror film but it ’ s just too obnoxious . We are working on the title still but we have come up with “Lost in the Wind ” . That is probably the title we are going to use but we may change it in the future . The film will probably begin by showing the title and then show the names of the people who need to be credited . ...

Planning Blog

W elcome back to my blog . In this blog I will talk about the location participants health and schedule of our final project . For our pitch to work we need a dark setting with mysterious vibes . A location I think would be perfect is right near  Daniel's house . It was a street with no lights and there are usually no people around . It has the perfect dark and mysterious feel that we are looking for . A backup location would be very easy to find for us . The reason for this is because me and my group mates all have an area where we can film . We all have a place that we feel would really suit the plot for our film . We just decided on Daniel's house because it was easiest to get to and made the most sense for us . The next thing that we need is participants we plan on having some of our friends fill in but have Rhys be the main character . We have asked our friends to help us and they have agreed so there is no reason for a backup . Another thing that is...

Title Research: Birds of Prey

1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?   The title sequence includes all the major and well-known roles like director, writer, producers, and actors. It also includes less well-known positions like director of photography, production designer, editors, music, music supervisor s , visual effects superviso r , costume designer, and casting director. Of course, the sequence also includes the studio and production companies.     2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?   The opening sequence prioritizes visceral and otherworldly images. The opening sequence also has a focus on women, which carries on into the movie itself.     3. What connotations do these images carry?   These images carry very negative connotations. This is mainly due to the art style and gore featured in the images. Despite this, there are also some small positive connotations. The bright colors and empowering silhouettes of women provide this aspec...