Planning Blog

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog I will talk about the location participants health and schedule of our final project. For our pitch to work we need a dark setting with mysterious vibes. A location I think would be perfect is right near Daniel's house. It was a street with no lights and there are usually no people around. It has the perfect dark and mysterious feel that we are looking for. A backup location would be very easy to find for us. The reason for this is because me and my group mates all have an area where we can film. We all have a place that we feel would really suit the plot for our film. We just decided on Daniel's house because it was easiest to get to and made the most sense for us. The next thing that we need is participants we plan on having some of our friends fill in but have Rhys be the main character. We have asked our friends to help us and they have agreed so there is no reason for a backup. Another thing that is really important is the health of everyone involved. For our final project we will have to be skateboarding, which can be dangerous. One safety precaution that we will implement is helmets. It is very important that we take these safety precautions seriously. Another thing that will be really helpful is a first aid kit just in case of any falls that could really injure our actor. Another thing we have is a schedule, so we have everything planned out. In this schedule we plan on filming next weekend and our backup date is the next Tuesday. Thank you for reading our blog.  



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