Critical Refection Questions

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? After doing our research for our music video, I thought about whether I should use conventions or challenge them. I decided to kind of do a mashup of both. The reason it was more of a mashup was because in our research I found that a lot of these types of music videos were really just, people performing on stage which we do not have access to. So instead, we decided to film portions on the roof rather than being in a studio. One thing we did do to challenge conventions was to create a story rather than having the traditional dancing that we see in music videos today. My music video represents the social group of teenagers that just want to have a good time and party. Our goal was to produce a music video in a way that would seem fun and joyful for all audiences watching. I do not believe that there are many issues that we covered in our music video. 2. How...